Why did no one tell me that having a newborn is SO much work? I mean, yeah, people always jokingly say, "oh, get ready for no sleep, and
poopy diapers every 20 minutes," but I never took them literally. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not completely
naive. I knew that there would be nights with not very much sleep, but I didn't know it would be EVERY NIGHT!!!
I have chosen to breastfeed, and I don't know how you other breastfeeding mothers out there stayed sane through the chaos! It is SO hard. It's uncomfortable, and a little
inconvenient. For example...Thursday was the return of our favorite
TV show, "The Office" (if you don't watch it, you should!) My parents and my sister and her boyfriend and Ben and I were all sitting down at 9pm sharp to watch, when Samantha decides that she's starving all of a sudden. Of course, this is my parents house and there is company over, so I had to go into the other room to breastfeed...
AHHHH! My wonderful husband was so amazing and came into the other room with me so that we could watch it together later (thank goodness for
DVRs) But still, no one else can feed her but me. I can't give her a bottle with pumped milk until she's about a month old and regular feeding is well established, she eats every 2-3 hours, sometimes she eats every hour on the hour...it's INSANE!
I feel like I haven't talked to my husband in days...and he's been right here the whole time. New babies are just so consuming that it feels like Samantha is the only other person in my life right now... Don't misunderstand me...I love her so much and it's totally worth anything that I might have to sacrifice to have a happy, healthy baby, but it's just a lot of work.
...A little more than I was expecting!