Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Yesterday was my very first Mother's Day! My mom, sisters, and Samantha and I went to my Grandmother's house to celebrate. It was so cool having 4 generations of girls in the same house. It was wonderful how everywhere I went this weekend, people would tell me Happy Mother's Day. It was even extra special because my little sister is expecting a baby soon, and we were able to share our first Mother's Day together. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful Grandmother, Mother, and two wonderful little sisters that are going to make such awesome mothers.

I also have a truly wonderful Mom-in-law and two great sis-in-laws that I love so much!

It also made me think about something that has been on my mind a lot lately. I have a really good friend and a couple other people that I know that desperately want to be mamma's. It's crazy how there are incredible women that would make such perfectly amazing mothers and they are having such a hard time making that happen. Unfortunately, I also know some not-so-amazing people that are taking advantage of pregnancies and using abortions as a type of birth control. What is wrong with people? I have always been anti-abortion but how could someone that has had the joy of having a baby once, have an abortion because they simply forgot to use protection...? It's so unfair and confusing. This is definitely something I'm going to have to ask The Big Guy about when I get to Heaven. In the meantime, my heart and prayers go out to you that are going to make wonderful mothers someday. God has His plan, and it is perfect, even though at times it's hard for us to understand...He already has it all figured out.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mothers and to all of those who will make great ones someday!


Judith Anne said...

Being a mother is a huge responsibility---but such a gift.

Enjoy it dearest!

Jeph and LeAnnes Blog said...

I'm so glad you had a great first mothers day!! Thanks for what you's been hard every mothers day(last couple years), and it's hard sometimes wanting/wishing/trying yet no baby. :( I hope and pray God's timing comes soon! :)